Ask any homebrewer what their best investment is, and you'll be treated with a range of answers including fermentation temperature control, a keg system, malt mill etc etc. I do agree with all of these, but today I'd like to salute one of the unsung heroes of homebrewing - Campden tablets, or sodium metabisulphite.
Sodium metabisulphite has a long history in wine-making, as a sulphur additive to inhibit wild yeast/bacteria growth and also as an anti-oxidant when racking between barrels. What I really love about it though, is its ability to neutralise chloramines and chlorine - both of which are rife in our local tap water. Try brewing using chloramine-laden water, and you will likely end up with phenolic beer with a medicinal taste.
If you find that you're having problems with off-flavours despite controlling temperatures, pitching proper yeast quantities and sanitising well, it's well worth giving campden tablets a try. They're available cheaply at iBrew, or via eBay. The rate of use is 1/4 tablet per 5 gallons for de-chlorination, so a little goes a long way!
Why Are Brewing and Winemaking so Different?
5 years ago
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