I currently maintain a small Yeast Library for myself and also to share with local brewers. These yeasts are both from my own collection, and from donations by friends, club members and fellow yeast nerds from other parts of the world.
Yeasts in the Library are stored in duplicate - both frozen and on agar slants (working cultures).
- Every 6 months or so, the cultures on the agar slants are passaged to keep them going
- Once a year, the slant cultures are streaked out on agar plates to screen for contamination.
- I do not have a true cryopreservation freezer; the frozen master cultures are stored in 30% glycerol at -20C where they should remain viable for years.
These are the yeasts currently stocked in the Library:
*This list is heavily outdated. I'm going to spend some time to see how to link my own active spreadsheet to this page!*
White Labs
WLP005 - British Ale Yeast
WLP007 - Dry English Ale Yeast
WLP029 - German/Kolsch Ale Yeast
WLP099 - Super High Gravity Yeast
WLP565 - Belgian Saison I Yeast
WLP644 - Saccharomyces "Trois"
WLP860 - Munich Helles
Wyeast Laboratories
1214 - Belgian Abbey
2124 - Bohemian Lager
2575 - Kolsch II
3711 - French Saison
3944 - Belgian Witbier
Commercial Strains from other Yeast Labs
Vermont Ale Yeast (Escarpment Labs)
Kveik / Farmhouse / Traditional "heirloom" strains
Voss kveik - Hothead Ale (Omega Yeast)
Framgaarden kveik
Granvin kveik
Simonaitis "kveik"
Non-Saccharomyces Yeast/Bacteria
WLP 672 - Lactobacillus brevis
WLP 645 - Brettanomyces clausenii
WLP 653 - Brettanomyces lambicus
TYB - Amalgamation (Brettanomyces mixed culture)
Picchia apotheca (Dept of Genomics, University of Washington)
Lachancea thermotolerans
BrewCon London 2017 Megablend (GBUK)
Mud King Megablend
Brewery strains (Bottle-Cultured)
Rogue Ales - Pacman Yeast
"Big Nipple" - Brettanomyces sp. isolated from "Money Blend" (American Solera)
"Small Yellow Colony" - Brettanomyces sp. isolated from "Money Blend" (American Solera)
Roll of Honour
I'd like to recognise and thank the following brewers for their generous contributions to the yeast library. In alphabetical order:
Jimmy - 1214
John Wei - WLP023, WLP568, St. Austell, 1764
KK - 3787
Neo - WLP007, WLP090, WLP655, WLP672, WLP860,
Nick lewty - 1469, 2124