Monday 11 May 2015

Kolsch yeast and cream ale

I'm playing around with another kitsch yeast this time, WLP029 from White Labs. I wasn't too happy with the results from Wyeast's kolsch yeast - it's got too much of a cidery, pearish flavor to it. And apparently 029 flocculates better too, so we'll see. My vial was waaaaay expired, but a preliminary plating showed some viable yeast so I gave it a try. It was a painful, 4-step starter but I finally got to the right pitching count (overpitching at about 400 billion cells due to low temp). 

Loads of different info on the right pitching temp, but it seems empirical consensus is that White Lab's temperature guidelines for this yeast is too high and people have fermented it down to 12C. It was pitched yesterday at 15C with loads of oxygenation. Hopefully this works out fine! 

The beer's a popcorn cream ale. Jasmine rice, flaked corn and popped corn in the mash, with a mix of pils and MO to get some grainy sweetness and a hint of malt complexity. 


Steve said...

how did this turn out, I'm just starting to think about making a cream ale and considered using WY2565 which i've had great success with in the past.

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